
Merlot Baćac u bogatoj paleti mirisa ovo vino nudi arome šumskog voća, lišća koprive, stabljike maslačka, šipka, marcipana, vanilije i čokolade, a u okusu dominiraju note reske čokolade i džemova od tamnog voća. Grožđe obrano je krajem rujna te spojeno odmah na početku prerade. Nakon desetodnevne maceracije uslijedilo je dvostruko dulje razdoblje fermentacije, nakon pretoka vino je čuvano u inoxu i krajem ožujka većinom napunjeno u boce, dok je dio spremljen na odležavanje u drvene bačve. Ovaj merlot odlično slaže s jelima s roštilja, pogotovo s biftekom, ramstekom i bogatim odrescima od crvenog mesa, te s jelima od mljevenog mesa, a dobro prija i s kremastim kolačima. Poslužuje se na temperaturi od 15-16 stupnjeva.

Harvest Date: Sept. 21th – Sept. 29th 2015
Fermentation: 30 Days
Aging: 12 months in stainless steel
ML: 0%
Wine Composition: 100% Merlot
Barrels Produced: 1028 cases
pH: 3.30
Alcohol: 13.5
Acid: 6.4g/L


During the fermentation in conical stainless steel tanks, extreme attention was given to an extraction aimed at fresh and fragrant aromas, full colors, and supple, elegant textures and tannins. Once the wine had been run off its skins at the end of the fermentation, it was put through a full malolactic fermentation in oak barrels to fully bring out the finesse and expressiveness of the aromas. The aging process, which lasted approximately 12-14 months, then began and took place in 60 gallon French and Hungarian oak barrels, partly new and partly used once previously.

92/100 Austria
Daniele Cernilli:
94/100 Italy
Gambero Rosso​:
Tre bicchieri Italy